giovedì 13 maggio 2010


Io sono malato, ieri e oggi stop, domani riprendo.
O muoio o guarisco.
Pero' nel frattempo ho trovato una perla: "progetto superman", cioe' prendi uno sfigato di 44 anni (pensavo parlassero di me) e da merda umana lo trasformano in atleta d'elite da 9 ore a lanzarote. LA ZTORIA E' QUI.

"I have always felt that as far as ability and fitness go, there’s John McEnroes and then there’s Ivan Lendls.. The first being the very, very rare and exceptionally gifted greats of the sport, the latter being the monuments of dedication, striding for every inch of ground but having to work so hard to keep up with the pace that the Macs of this world so (seemingly) effortlessly display. You can’t build a McEnroe, but – given the right commitment and dedication – you can build an Ivan Lendl. And that’s what we’re going to try here: building a triathlon version of Ivan Lendl."

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